| | Piezo Source - Product Overview | | The core products sold by Piezo Source are the original piezoelectric speakers
and receivers designed, patented, and manufactured by Motorola/CTS for over 30 years. In addition to offering many of the original
Motorola/CTS products, Piezo Source has developed new designs and materials to support the needs of new and existing customers and
their developing applications. | | What distinguishes Piezo Source products are: | | | Backed by the Piezo Source team - The performance, design, and manufacturing quality
of the Piezo Source products are backed by our Ph.D. level lead design and manufacturing teams. These teams are able to offer direct
support to our customers from our dual locations in San Jose, CA and metropolitan Manila in the Philippines. | | Quality control - Piezo Source devices are parametrically tested during the manufacturing
process, and each device undergoes final functional testing before shipment. Piezo Source logs and archives all the parametric and functional
test data into our proprietary DataCruncher. Key collaborators can request serialized products where the full suite of test data is available
through DataCruncher's cloud-based web portal. | | Quality of the piezo ceramic - The piezo ceramic at the heart of the Piezo Source product line
is of the highest medical grade quality, similar to what is found in hospital equipment. Piezo Source products offer the necessary robustness
for applications where long term performance and stability are important. | | Materials of construction - Motorola/CTS spent over 30 years researching and developing the
materials and designs for the piezoelectric devices. These R&D efforts included the plastics, horn geometry, ceramics, and centervane
construction, and form the central base of the Piezo Source intellectual property. | | Original manufacturing line - Piezo Source acquired the entire manufacturing line from
Motorola/CTS, including the molds for the speaker housings. Our products are manufactured and tested on the original manufacturing equipment, ensuring
that many of our products are 100% equivalent to the original Motorola/CTS piezoelectric speakers and receivers. | | Methods of construction - Motorola and CTS developed detailed standard operating procedures
regarding the manufacturing process for their piezoelectric devices. Piezo Source owns these and applies them to our manufacturing process for
our product offerings. | | | | | |